Saturday, October 25, 2014

S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla 2000 Special Color Edition... thoughts.

Set for release in May 2015, Tamashii Nations has recently unveiled their next Godzilla figure: A Godzilla 2000 repaint. Now before I get onto my soapbox about how this strange new phase of repaints and slight variations for new releases is rather frustrating, let's take a look at this, shall we?

First of all, this looks like a great figure. We can also attest to it being so because most SHMA collectors already have the original release. In fact, it's regarded as one of the best releases in the line. The great thing about this figure is this is a great opportunity for collectors to grab this figure who missed it the first time around. With aftermarket prices for the original release hitting well over $200, this release will be a great sigh of relief for eager fans.

Secondly, we see that the special color edition is code word for a KiryuGoji paint scheme, which is very cool. I think what's so great about that suit(s), if you count Tokyo S.O.S., is that its a great mix of Millennium Godzilla and classic Godzilla. I can ramble about suit construct and design changes, but what we're here to look at is the figure, and here are my red flags.

Sure it has the great color palate of the KiryuGoji, and sure the basic designs between the design of Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla 2003 are similar, but they are not the same.

Shin'ichi Wakasa worked as model maker/suit maker for this adventure.

Picky? ABSOLUTELY! But, kind of clumping these suits together is doing both of them a great injustice. Now, I know, I know, Tamashii isn't marketing this as a KiryuGoji, they haven't even mentioned the similarities. Yes, I know. But, what I will say is, with the recent trend of re-sculpting and repainting (Birth Version sticks out in my mind like a sore thumb) It almost feels like they're trying to substitute this release instead of giving us a brand new sculpt. My personal opinion is that it feels like they're cutting corners a bit. Why take the time and money to make an entirely new figure that looks somewhat in the ballpark of one we already have? It makes total sense. I will congratulate them by pointing out that they aren't even attempting to market this figure as anything other than a repaint, which is something I wish they were more upfront about with the Birth Version.

Am I blowing it out of proportions a little bit? More than likely, yes. But I see some troublesome times ahead of us with this age of repaints and slight tweaking. But on the plus side, Gamera and Mecha King Ghidorah are on their way and that is something to be excited about.

Agree? Disagree? Discuss in the comments! I leave you now with some comparison shots of the original release and KiryuG... I mean, the repaint.

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna get this one if I can order it and find it
